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message: 254
name: Dave

Wow, I haven't thought about WP's for years.

I had dozens, at one time, wish I had them now. What a blast from the past.

Thanks for the comprehensive site.

date: 4:55 pm - Tuesday, September 23, 2003

message: 253
name: mjkf
email: mallcat33@hotmail.com
url: forget that noise


date: 3:58 am - Wednesday, September 17, 2003

message: 252
name: Joel Schroeder
email: joelschroeder@msn.com


Very Cool. I can't believe I got rid of all mine in High School. Nice to see them again. O, the good ol' days.


Joel Sept.16/03

date: 5:06 pm - Tuesday, September 16, 2003

message: 251
name: Kent
email: davis.kent@verizon.net

This stuff is great. I can remember my brother and I saving our 60 cents allowances for the week so we could go to the store on Saturday to buy a dozen packs (5 cents a pack!) a piece. We had those things on our school notebooks, our bed headboards, I even think we stuck them on the family car. Thanks for helping to bring this back to life and giving us a place to relive some great memories!

date: 8:09 pm - Friday, September 12, 2003

message: 250
name: Andre
email: andkat95@yahoo.com

Great page! Memories flooding back!

date: 6:37 pm - Thursday, September 11, 2003

message: 249
name: JFK
email: ragencajun@comcast.net

I can't believe Wacky Packages made a comeback.My brother and myself did everything we couldto get some money and always bought Wackys together to compare and look for ones we needed to complete sets.
Now we do it online and have gotten some rare cards and uncut die sheets.Thanks for bringin' back some of the greatest memories of my life!!

date: 0:16 am - Tuesday, September 9, 2003

message: 248
name: Amy
email: aim_oh@yahoo.com

Great memories! I just wonder how it is that I have a box full of 1970's Mad Magazines and all my Fisher-Price toys, but no one thought to save my Wacky Packs. I could never even bring myself to use the stickers because I thought they were so special.

date: 10:00 pm - Saturday, September 6, 2003

message: 247
name: Tracy Langnickel
url: http://tracyl.themomteam.com

Looking on the Net for something fun and I found it! Thanks for the memories! My husband and I both snickered over this site.

date: 4:00 pm - Friday, September 5, 2003

message: 246
name: Zeke
email: drbrain441@aol.com

WOW!!!Talk about old school.I remember as a kid growing up in Brooklyn buying packs of wacky packages at the grocery store with my friends. We use to go home and stick them on the refrigerator door. Our moms did'nt mind. as a matter of fact ,one of my friends mother never did remove any of the stickers from her frig. that was 27 years ago. It brings us fond memories when we go together to visit her and "still" see them there. Its like stepping back in time...

date: 8:35 pm - Thursday, September 4, 2003

message: 245
name: Matt
email: mje2k@yahoo.com

Wow! What great memories this brought back. Like some other folks mentioned already, I wished I had kept mine. I didn't think I was very hip while growing up in the early 1970's, but after looking back on the Wacky Packages web site I think I was pretty hip after all, and I really caught on to the subversive and sarcastic humor in those little packages. Thanks for the great memories. You made this jaded 41 year old feel much younger, great site.

date: 5:49 pm - Sunday, August 31, 2003


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