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message: 364
name: lewis
email: ljm1@tampabay.rr.com

This is lewis. I love this site

it's the best.

date: 1:36 pm - Sunday, September 12, 2004

message: 363
name: Dave L.
email: doodlebootz
url: gogomouse@webtv.net

I was in the grocery store yesterday buying some Crest toothpaste, and-BAM!, out of nowhere, I remembered the Crust Wacky Packages, and the whole thing came flooding back to me (we're all reaching that age,aren't we?) I ran home and found this site. Great, now I'm gonna have to spend hundreds (thousands?) of dollars on eBay, trying to buy back my childhood (if I have any money left after buying back all the skateboards I had from the 70's) Than a lot!!!

date: 2:34 pm - Friday, September 10, 2004

message: 362
name: Julie

Great site! I saw the new series at Target, and had to run home and dig out my old collection. I'd forgotten how much fun they are. Thanks!

date: 4:53 pm - Monday, September 6, 2004

message: 361
name: Mike C

I used to skip lunch and buy wacky packs. Those were the days, I guess I had about 350 of them. Not including the ones I stuck on the walls, car, bikes, school hallways. bathrooms. They were great. Of course I bought the whole new set from an e-bay auction, they are still cute, but nothing can compare with opening a new pack of wackey packs hoping to complete the set. Or finding an extra your best buddy needs to finish his.....Guess you had to be there..and a lot of us were!!!!!!

date: 4:59 pm - Friday, September 3, 2004

message: 360
name: David Wells
email: prov3v5n6@insightbb.com

I loved Wacky Packages when I was a kid. Now I get to collect them all over again. I just wish that they didn't have to be so "politically correct" because now they aren't as funny as they were in the 1970s. They can't really make fun of people too much, so instead they have to settle for being gross (which still is funny, of course). Anyway, I have collected the first new series. I also love this web site; I am here more than any other! I think its great to see all the classics, and there is so much to do, I still haven't been through it all. Thanks wholeheartedy for your outstanding work. Dave Wells

date: 8:21 pm - Thursday, August 26, 2004

message: 359
name: jwn
email: jwn1234@yahoo.com

Thanks for the great site.

Lots of fond memories here.

"Hostile thinkies" has haunted me for 30 years!!! ARGGGGH

I haven't truly enjoyed a twinkie since then....

date: 11:39 am - Wednesday, August 25, 2004

message: 358
name: Bonnie
email: bonnienmegan@aol.com

Hi there. My childhood was pretty traumatic but I remember Wacky Packs as being one of my only sources of entertainment during the tough times. ("Freakies" being #2).I recently saw them on EBAY and screamed- aha! A lost part of childhood fondly remembered. I found your website tonight and will be visiting as much as I can. I am 40 yrs old now and will begin collecting some of these cool cool cards that I remember. Thanks for bringing me back in time to the good times!!!! :)

date: 0:25 am - Monday, August 16, 2004

message: 357
name: Bill McFall
email: bilmcf@hotmail.com

Thanks for sharing your site with all us Wacky Pack fans. As a kid I remember going to the grocery store with my buddies and buying them. We were so excited when each new series was released and had so much fun laughing at all the ad parodies.
A few years ago I shared my fond memories with my son with stories about collecting them and by showing him Wacky websites. He loved them too!
Well, last night I found out that Wacky Packs are back. My son bought me the first series using his allowance! What a guy!! I think he and my wife were just as excited as I was when we got home to open each pack. And there were a couple surprises in these new packs: tattoos and cling stickers. A nice modern touch to a classic bit of Americana. Wacky packs are back and cooler than ever.

date: 9:47 am - Monday, August 9, 2004

message: 356
name: sam
email: xo0nemoresadsong@netscape.net

im 13 and i was in the store yesterday with my mom and her friend and all of a sudden they were both like "OH MY GOD WACKY PACKS!!!!" they bought every pack that was in the store.. so now i have a collection too haha

date: 9:17 am - Monday, August 9, 2004

message: 355
name: Matt B.

wow! boy I missed a whole lot since I was a kid!

date: 6:40 pm - Friday, August 6, 2004


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