Wacky Pack Emporium and Taco Bar
Wacky Pack Emporium and Taco Bar
Exit to the Wacky Mall
Wacky Packages "FUN FRIDAY DEAL - OLDS 3 - 7 Unopened Packs" For Sale

Item Number: 21537
Series: 3rd Old School (OLDS3) 2011
Title: FUN FRIDAY DEAL - OLDS 3 - 7 Unopened Packs

7 Unopened packs.

Pull a Ludlow
Pull a Ratz, Jolly Mean, Moron etc.

My favorite pack opening experience since the original series.

Price: $10.00
Not Currently Available
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The Wacky Packages Mall is maintained by 7n73 LLC, contact: greg@wackypackages.org, 267-243-6111