Guernsey auction small time Wacky Pack art buyers Duane Dimock bought 6 pieces. Roxanne Toser (non-sports dealer and author of the first book on Wacky Packages) bought 4 pieces. It is hard to find out information about some owners, as there is so much secrecy surrounding the art and nobody wants to tell anybody anything, but there are a few other Guernsey art owners who have turned up in one way or another. One who attended the auction and bought at least 10 pieces contacted John Mann in 2000 and sold some pieces through him by conducting public auctions (it is strongly suspected that this person and the mystery "Baltimore" person are one in the same). Someone somewhere in the Midwest had another 6 or 8, including Bum Chex, Shot Wheels, and some other great ones (he apparently still cannot find Mess Clairoil and Choke King buried somewhere in his stuff). A couple of other people picked up a few more lots...